9 Things You Shouldn’t Put In Your Personal Statement

A personal statement gives you a chance to sell yourself to your reader. It also gives you a chance to talk about your achievements, and show your strengths. A personal statement adds to your applications. But, you will not be the only one sending in the applications. For example, if you’re writing a college application, hundreds of other students will be doing the same. But, not everyone will have their applications accepted. So, your applications must stand out. Notably, you must write an effective personal statement.  In this article, we have compiled a list of 9 things you shouldn’t put in your personal statement. That said, read the article and know how to write a good personal statement.


  • The various things that shouldn’t appear in your personal statement
  • No need for excuses
  • Sensitive topics are a NO
  • Plagiarism is forbidden
  • A Poor structure will cost you
  • Spelling and grammatical mistakes
  • Your resume is not needed
  • No need for excess words
  • Arrogance: Don’t try it
  • A Weak conclusion
  • Do you need any help?

Things You Shouldn’t Put In Your Personal Statement

  1. Excuses

You may have performed poorly in school. Maybe it’s a scholarship you lost. Maybe you have no extracurricular activities to list in your personal statement. However, don’t make a mistake of making excuses when faced with these problems. You shouldn’t even apologize for such problems. Of course, there is an explanation for your problems. But, you shouldn’t use them as excuses. However, you may only talk about lessons learned from the mistakes.

  1. Sensitive topics

Don’t put sensitive content in your personal statement. It should be inspiring. However, topics such a sexual assault may make your reader feel uncomfortable. Indeed, the topic is too sensitive for a brief personal statement. Therefore, write topics that will leave your readers comfortable.

  1. Plagiarism

We believe by now you know the consequences of plagiarism. If you cheat in your personal statement, you will be seen as untrustworthy. Also, avoid exaggeration. Try as much as possible to tell only the truth. One may not tell if what you have written in your personal statement is true or not. But, during the interview, it will be clear if you were honest or not.


  1. Poor structure

If you use a poor structure in your personal statement, your reader will have a hard time understanding it. Remember there are thousands of personal statements that your reader must go through. So, if you make the reading experience unpleasant, you know what will happen to your work. Your paragraphs should be properly structured.

  1. Spelling and grammatical mistakes

Don’t deliver your personal statement with spelling and grammar mistakes. Your reader will see a lack of commitment. Such mistakes can also change your intended meaning. Take time to proofread your work. You may even use a friend to proofread the work.

  1. Your resume

Avoid providing information in your personal statement that your reader can find in other letters. Instead, focus on information that supports your other applications. This way, your reader will have enough information on why you are suitable for the position. This is the only way your work can stand out. In your personal statement, show your side that is not shown in other application letters. Some information available in your resume include academic qualifications and extracurricular activities. You shouldn’t put this information in your personal statement.

  1. Excess words

You are worth the time other applicants are worth. So, avoid excess words. Stick to the word limits strictly. Check the required word limits for your personal statement. You may be tempted to going over the word limits. But, you will not get a plus for this. As stated, your reader has other applications to read. Don’t be the one to overwork them. Choose the most important content. In case, you exceed the word limits, read through your work, and cut unnecessary information.


  1. Arrogance

In your personal statement, you should talk about your experiences and skills. But, remember to be humble. You want your application remembered in a good way. Don’t try to sound like the best of the best. Just show you are irreplaceable. Show that you are different from others in a formal way. Any hint of arrogance is off-putting.

  1. Weak conclusion

Don’t put a weak conclusion in your personal statement. Remember writing a conclusion tends to be the hardest part. Take your time to write this section. Provide a neat summary of your personal statement.  Remember to keep it short and clear. Don’t add any new information in this part. Again, don’t choose to skip this part. Every good story should have an ending. Your personal statement is a story. Ensure it has a sweet conclusion.

Start writing your personal statement

You know the importance of your personal statement. It will determine if your application is accepted or rejected. So, you need to write a personal statement that will sell you to your reader. Now you know what not to put in your personal statement. Avoid these things. By following our suggestions, writing your personal statement will be easy. You will produce a statement that stands out among thousands. Remember, all you need to include in your personal statement is; who you are, what you can offer, and your career goals.

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