Debate Essay: Should Boys And Girls Be In Separate Classes?

Should Boys And Girls Be In Separate Classes?

In this article, we address the issue of boys and girls learning in separate classes. We ask ourselves, should boys and girls learn from the same class? Or, should they be in separate classes? Before we answer these questions, let us first look at the purpose of education. So, why do we go to school? We identify two major reasons why we go to school.

  • First, young people go to school to acquire knowledge and skills. This was the sole purpose of education in the early centuries. The focus was on preparing children for the work they would do after school. But the world is changing. Today, people are more diverse. There is also a lot of uncertainty. This brings in the second reason why people go to school.
  • The reason is to acquire valuable traits to survive in the real world. These traits include respect, cooperation, resilience, and tolerance among others. This means that the purpose of education is to prepare people for the diverse and real world.

The question then is, how best can the purpose of education be achieved? By separating boys and girls? Or by having them learn from the same class?

If the purpose of education is to prepare people for certain jobs, then separate classes are good. This way, boys would be prepared for certain tasks. Girls would also be prepared for certain tasks. But we are in the 21st century.

Knowledge and skills are not enough for the changing world. Students need to develop certain traits for the uncertain world they will inherit. The best environment to develop these traits is one where both boys and girls share a class.

Benefits Of Letting Boys And Girls Learn In The Same Class

They develop valuable traits

  • First, when boys and girls learn in the same class, they develop mutual respect for the opposite sex. This is because a mutual understanding occurs when girls and boys learn in the same class. The students learn how to respect the opposite sex. This has several benefits. First, it exposes students to different viewpoints. Second, it breaks down gender stereotypes. This prevents any form of gender-based discrimination in school and the real world.  Third, it prepares the students for a diverse world where all sexes are important.
  • Second, boys and girls learn how to cooperate in the classroom. This trait is important in the increasingly diverse world. As young people navigate the issues of emotional, social, and physical growth, they also learn how to collaborate.
  • Third, students develop confidence. When boys and girls collaborate in class, they gain a fresh perspective.  This helps them to develop socially and intellectually. Eventually, they become more confident. Studies show that students in mixed-gender classes have a positive self-image and more confidence. This makes them better prepared for real life.

They develop social skills

When boys and girls learn in different classes, they learn how to socialize with same-sex peers. But is this a reflection of the real world? No! The real world has both men and women. This means that children should learn how to socialize with all sexes. This is what a mixed-gender class offers. An opportunity to socialize with all sexes. This way, after school, people can comfortably interact with opposite-sex peers.

Students develop communication skills

We are not saying that students in single-sex schools don’t develop communication skills. They do. But, students in mixed-gender classes develop better communication skills. Boys and girls have different communication styles. They express themselves in different ways. When students are exposed to these different ways, their communication skills improve.

Students learn about equality

Mixing boys and girls in the same class teach them equality. They grow up valuing equality between men and women. This is because they are all treated the same in school. Even when it comes to performance, they are evaluated based on performance. They can then apply this in the real world by treating everyone equally.

Challenges Of Letting Boys And Girls Learn In The Same Class

  • Boys and girls learn differently

Boys may learn fast in some subjects than girls. Similarly, girls may learn fast in some subjects than boys. In such a case, teachers may have challenges dealing with both sexes. Unique techniques must be used for both sexes to benefit.

  • Distractions

Mixed-gender classes may have some distractions that single-sex classes don’t have. For example, teens are more likely to have psychological changes in the presence of the opposite sex. This includes developing feelings towards the opposite gender. An early emotional attachment is likely to distract students from the main focus.

Final thoughts

It is good to let both boys and girls learn in the same class. One major benefit is that students are better prepared for real life. But there are other benefits. Students develop valuable traits such as respect, cooperation, and confidence. Then, they develop social and communication skills and learn about equality. But the approach has two major challenges.

  • First, teachers need unique techniques for effective learning.
  • Second, the class may have some distractions.

One thing is for sure though; teaching boys and girls in the same class has more benefits. This is not to say that single-sex classes are bad. But, mixed-gender classes produce even greater students. Students who can survive in the changing, diverse, and uncertain world. Parents should consider these benefits when deciding to enroll their kids.

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