13 Ways Gadgets Affect Children Studies

Effects Of Technologies And Gadgets To Children Studies

  • Improved cognitive skills

Cognitive skills are the abilities to remember things, process information, reason, and communicate. When a child is playing a game on a tablet, their brain starts thinking and processing information. Watching games also gives the brain time to process information. This therefore leads to improved skills.

  • Educating children

It helps children to get knowledge. Children can also use their gadgets to access educational websites. Such websites have great information. For example, educational websites contained detailed information on all topics. Children can then use it to understand the topic better.

Even better, children can access this information from anywhere. Additionally, they also present information in a fun and interesting manner. They have educational videos, various e-books, among others. This also improves learning.

  • Competition skills

It helps children to get competition skills from an early age. Children mostly use their gadgets to play games. They can play these games with other kids or with adults. When playing, they start acquiring a feeling of competition. With time, their skills are improved. This therefore, makes them to work harder in school and compete with others.

  • Independent learning

Notably, children are at different learning levels. In most cases, some will learn faster than others. Earlier, it might have been hard to meet these differences. But with technology, children can take time to understand hard areas. For example, a child may fail to understand a concept in class. After school, the child can use technology to study and also understand the concept better. In short, children can learn at their own pace for a better understanding.

Others include:

  • Improves teaching

It improves teaching. For example, teachers use it to explain some concepts. Teachers also use models to explain certain things. This certainly gives children a better understanding.

  • Supports collaboration

They enable children to get together in learning. Children then use their gadgets to video chat with other kids. They can also discuss content or get help with homework. Similarly, it reduces the gap between school and home. Children can do homework together at home. However, this is not possible in the traditional setting. Children can discuss with children from other schools. They can also seek advice from kids in other countries.

  • Improved motivation and engagement

Schools that use it in learning report improved motivation. Mainly, children get excited over gadgets. They get more interested in learning. This improves motivation. Issues such as skipping classes reduce. Most children will want to attend an exciting class. Engagement also increases. This is because children want to know everything. Additionally, parents also report improved engagement with homework at home.

  • Creativity

They increase children’s creativity. Immediately you give your child a phone, they will start checking it out. Then, they also start checking on apps and features. When given tasks, children present their work in different ways. Some will use diagrams, pictures, and even videos. This is to say, creativity continues to improve as children over use. Eventually, children find new ways of presenting work.

  • Improved performance

They improve academic performance. This is because children have better ways of understanding content. They are also more motivated and engaged in learning.

The Negative Impact Of Technology And Gadgets On Children

They improve children learning in various ways. Remember, we have looked at the positive impact of technology. This is not to say that technology can only impact children positively. It can also impact children negatively.

  1. Health problems

Unfortunately, children who spend most of their time using gadgets may have health problems. One of these problems is obesity. What would cause obesity? Firstly, the lack of physical activities. Secondly, poor eating habits. It can bring other issues such as heart problems. Children may also get eye problems.

  1. Development problems

Children who overuse gadgets have such problems. For example, they may have speech delays. For example, if a child is using a phone, their focus will be on that gadget. They will not have time for social contact. The problem is that children need social contact to have speech skills.

  1. Poor concertation

Children who use gadgets more have poor concentration. The secret is less use of these gadgets. This affects learning. This means a child may have learning problems. Such problems can lead to anxiety and even depression.

  1. Negative effect on behavior

Children may be exposed to bad content. This can affect their behavior and character. For example, a child may be exposed to drug abuse and violence.

Protecting Children From The Negative Impact Of Technology

Parents and caregivers have a key role to play. We cannot avoid the complete use of it. But we can prevent the negative impact. Adults should always monitor what content the child is consuming.

The gadgets come with lots of unsuitable content.  If possible, stay with the child as they use them. They should not use the gadget in private. Set the maximum time a child should use a gadget. The ideal time would be below 30 minutes twice per day.

The child should use the gadget in the right environment. This means they can seat in the right position. There should be enough light. It should not be under sunlight. They should not be too close to the gadget. To reduce the use of these gadgets, encourage outdoor games.

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