How To Prepare Writing A College Essay From Start

Have you seen your seniors stressed out by college essays? You don’t have to go through such stress. Start preparing writing your college essay today. This will make your journey to college easier. Here are the 5 simple tips to help prepare for the essay.

 Tips: How To Prepare Writing A College Essay From Start

  1. Start creating a list

To generate ideas for your college essay, start by creating a list of preferred colleges. There are several questions you will be asked about your choice. For example, you will be asked to explain the reasons for choosing a certain college. You can only prepare to answer such questions if you have your list. Think about the criteria you will use to select schools. You may consider the populations of the school, or location. Using your chosen criteria, starting searching for preferred schools.

Start by searching for your college online. List any college that seems good for you. Where possible, visit these colleges. Such visits will give you more important information. For example, you will determine if the environment is fit for you or not. Second talk to your family members. They may also guide you on the right type of college. This will help you choose the best colleges.


  1. Start thinking about your college essay

There is a certain prompt that you will answer in your college essay. This may not be clear now. But, there are certain things that colleges will want to know. For example, you should expect the following questions.

  • Firstly, what characteristics make up your identity?
  • Secondly, what majors are you planning to pursue? Why?
  • Thirdly, why have you chosen that college?
  • Finally, how would you fit in?

These are just some of the inevitable questions. You should start answering these questions early enough. A good tip is keeping a journal.

In this journal, write the answers to the above questions. You may also include any other relevant questions and answers. Ask yourself these questions;

  • What would a college want to know about me?
  • What would I want the college to know about me? Why?

Start thinking about the answers to these questions. Think about experiences and stories that would help provide accurate answers. Write about these in your journal. Write as much as you can remember.

Other tips include these below

  1. Research

Now that you already have a list of preferred schools, research. Find out more about each school. This will help you get answers on reasons for choosing these schools. Look at their traditions. Compare these traditions with yours. Look at the opportunities available in every school. Check whether they tie with your interests. Don’t forget to note the important points in your journal. This will help you remember important points when the time comes to write your essay.

  1. Find examples

You can get ideas for your college essay from examples. Get these examples online. You will learn several things such as how to structure your essay. You will also learn how to phrase your answers. But, never copy stories from these examples. Your essay must be unique. It should tell your reader more about you. So, you can’t copy essays written by other people. Examples are only meant to give you a direction.

  1. Stay organized

This is the fifth tip, out of the 5 Simple Tips to Help Juniors Prepare for the College Essay. When creating a list of preferred schools, keep a spreadsheet. In this paper, note the application deadlines, and requirements. Sometimes, all your preferred colleges may use a common application. But, some may require a different application. In this case, be ready to do several essays. To avoid confusion when writing the essays, juniors should keep a spreadsheet with important information on the application for all schools.

How To Write A Quality College Essay

But, what happens when the time comes to write the essay? At this point, you will have enough information to write your essay. Start writing your essay. Check the application directions for each school. This will ensure that you present all the required pieces of the application. It will also ensure that you submit your application in the required format. Consider the following tips to write a quality essay.

  • Firstly, write what the reader would be interested in.
  • Secondly, revise your essay regularly to ensure that it is clear and interesting. You may consider revising it hours after you are done writing. A fresh mind will help identify any mistakes.
  • Thirdly, ensure that you’re concise. A long story would be boring. Every sentence should serve a certain purpose. Avoid words with no benefit to your essay.
  • Fourthly, use appropriate words. Avoid vocabularies that may be irrelevant. Consider simple but meaningful words.
  • Finally, get help. Have another person read your essay. Think of a family member, a friend, or professional help.


Juniors should prepare early enough for college application essays. This would help write a quality essay. A good essay plays a major role in securing a position in a preferred college. Early preparation makes the journey to college easier. We have provided several tips to start preparing for the college application essays. Implementing these tips would make work easier when the time comes to complete the essay. This means that you will be ready to tackle whatever the essay brings your way. Start preparing now.

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