How To Write A Topic Sentence In Few Steps

What is A Topic Sentence?

Many students wonder how to write a topic sentence. However, writing a topic sentence is integral for successful writing. The key to good writing is to have effective topic sentences in every paragraph. A topic sentence is a statement that brings out the idea that will be discussed in a body paragraph. It informs a reader what you will be talking about in the paragraph.

A topic sentence is similar to a thesis statement in a paper; it describes the subject of the paper to show what the reader is going to read about. Therefore, a topic sentence needs to be direct and concise and carry a direct connotation to the introduction.

The Role Of Sentence

  • Firstly, a topic sentence help introduce the idea you intend to discuss in the paragraph. It states the main idea of a paragraph.
  • Secondly, it signals the start of a new idea that differs from other paragraphs. It starts with a paragraph followed by supporting sentences to reinforce the idea.
  • Thirdly, it forms a link between the themes in the paper and the thesis statement. A topic sentence must borrow some idea from themes and a thesis statement to make the paper coherent.

Its Features

A topic sentence operates in two ways: it supports the thesis statement and shows what follows in the paragraph. As a sentence that unifies the paragraph, it is the most general sentence while others are supporting sentences. For you to know how to write a topic sentence, it is integral to understand the features of a topic sentence. A good topic sentence has the following features:

  • Has both a topic and controlling idea
  • Clear and easy to follow
  • Does not include supporting details
  • Engages the readers through the use of interesting phrases to grab attention
  • Has a topic and an angle obtained from the thesis
  • Provides an accurate indication of what follows in the paragraph
  • It is the most general sentence

Write A Good Topic Sentence In a Few Steps

Follow the steps below to help you write a good topic sentence in different papers:

  • Create a proper thesis for the paper

First of all, you should create a good thesis statement for your paper. The thesis statement covers all the ideas you are supposed to write in the paper. You are supposed to bring together these ideas to develop a good topic sentence in every paragraph. It means that the topic sentence should relate to the thesis statement of the paper.

  • List all the ideas for writing a topic sentence

You should list down all the ideas. This will assist you to understand the role of your paper and the views you should address in the topic sentence. The main idea is the most important aspect of information that you want the reader to know about the concept of the paragraph. Therefore, putting all the ideas together will help in brainstorming the best topic sentence for the paragraph.

  • Organize your thoughts

You should put your thoughts in order. This will help in creating a good structure when the next paragraph is linked with the previous. You are supposed to lead the reader through the paper and give him or her more facts that prove your ideas. It is very easy for a reader to understand an organized thought. You should ensure that your topic sentence comes from an organized thought.

  • Make the topic sentence convincing

Convincing the readers needs a consistent approach. You should clearly state your opinion around a given topic and then reinforce it with external facts or evidence. Besides, you should convince the reader of the importance of your opinion or stance on a given issue. To achieve this, you are required to use various attention-grabbing techniques to form a coherent and logical argument.

  • Verify if the topic sentence is like a road map

You should check to find out if the topic sentence is like a road map to the reader. When you create a consistent paper, the reader will be able to read easily and smoothly. You are supposed to look at the topic sentence as a road map and make changes when needed. Therefore, you should make sure that the topic sentence is able to guide the reader about the paragraph.

Tips For Writing An Effective Topic Sentence

  • Clearly state the primary idea: since the topic sentence is the initial sentence of every paragraph, it should vividly reveal the idea of the paragraph. It has to include the topic and a view or the main idea.
  • A topic sentence should balance between narrow and broad ideas: the topic sentence needs to connect the paragraph to the thesis of a paper. It should strike a balance between a broad and narrow idea. The sentence should not be too broad and too narrow.
  • Introduce a hooker: to grab the attention of the readers is one of the goals of a topic sentence. For instance, come up with a question you would want to respond to in the paragraph. Also, you can portray emotion in the first sentence.
  • Make it short and clear: the main role of the topic sentence is to display your intention without forcing the readers to search for it. Keep it short to make your intention clear. Also, it will help main the flow of the paragraph. The sentence has to be more specific than the thesis statement.
  • Provide a reasonable view: the information in paragraphs is supposed to prove the topic sentence. It means that the topic sentences should be one that can be supported by facts. You have the freedom to come up with an idea in the topic sentence, but make sure that it can be backed up in the paragraph.
  • Use it as a transition: topic sentence working as a transition can assist guides the readers through the argument. See the sentence as a bridge between paragraphs in a paper. In this, you should use transitional elements like “in contrast” to indicate the relationship between ideas.

Need Help In Writing A Topic Sentence For Your Paper?

Normally, students fail to use effective topic sentences in their papers and end up getting a low grade. It means that ineffective topic sentences become a barrier that prevents you from attaining a high grade. If you have experienced the same problem, don’t worry! we are here for you. We have tips that you can follow and learn how to write a topic sentence for your paper effectively.

You can access the tips on our online platform. Besides, you can buy custom papers at a cheap price to understand how to write good topic sentences.

However, if you feel that you cannot write a good topic sentence for your paper, don’t be afraid because we are here to help you. We have a team of professional writers who are experienced in writing effective topic sentences.

Therefore, when you place your order through our online platform, our writers will deliver the services at a cheap price. Also your paper done and delivered to you on time.

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